Monday, September 7, 2009

The "Literal" Difference Between 43 and 12

After reading to the boys, Jonny proceeded to tell me something that happened to him at church yesterday. He began by saying, "I ran into someone yesterday.." I interrupted him (I know, I should not do that!) But I asked, "What do you mean you ran into them?" Why did I ask this and why did I interrupt? I don't know! Jonny looked confused and asked, "What?"
I then explained that "ran into" could mean that you saw someone that you had not seen in awhile and talked to them.
Jonny replied, "Mom, I'm 12, I don't say things like "ran into". I meant I really physically bumped into someone!"
....Had I not interrupted, I would have understood the first time!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Oh, The Depths of Wishing

A few days ago Jonny asked me if I could have any wish what would I wish for. I had just read one of Kyle's sad short stories about a man whose wish came true but only by the death of his only son! So, as I thought I knew what would be a perfect wish. I told him I wished that he and his siblings would walk with the Lord all the days of their lives and I wished for salvation for both sets of grandparents. (I know, it is technically two, but it was my wish!) Jonny sat there for a moment and said, "Wow" mom, that's deep. I laughed and said, "Well what were you thinking about?" He replied, "I just wish I could break dance." Another funny and treasured memory on the way home from school!